The New 2025 Cooler Kub 250S
Since first unleashing our best selling Cooler Kub in 2021 we've always strived to make improvements with every batch we build. Being a low volume manufacturer allows us to tweak and refine with greater regularity, making constant improvements all the time, not once every two years or so like larger manufacturers have to.
The latest version of the Cooler Kub 250S has more notable changes than usual though, so we've hired a brass band and decided to make a big f***ing deal about it.
First the purposes of definition, we're even calling it the 2025 Cooler Kub, because the differences are so profound but not easily spotted. At first glance the Kub has changed very little. It still has that classic air and that's not up for debate. But beneath the skin we've tightened it up and we've added more muscle.
What we are addressing mostly is torque. Every road legal 250 watt ebike faces a challenge when fully laden and a very steep hill approaches. Though most brands shy away from admitting it, it begs the rider to put in an extra shift. We have been steadily mitigating this with historic refreshes of the Kub and now we have made some bigger steps that help flatten that looming hill ahead.
- The Voltage - We've upped the voltage from 36v to 48v, because more power means more power.
- The Motor - We've switched to TruckRUN motors for the 250S as with a bit of controller magic we can pull a bit more low end torque, improving it from 55 N m to 65 N m.
- Chainring - We've reduced the size of the chainring from 52T to 38T to assist potential uphill gearing.
- Handlebar Height - We've raised the stem by 2cm which contributes to a little extra handlebar height and straight ahead rider stance.
- Battery Power Sockets - We've upgraded the old style single pin socket to a more robust 3 pin socket. Harder to wiggle, lasts longer and keeps a more secure connection.
These physical changes all carry over to the Cooler Kub 750S as well, so no one should feel left out.
As always, there's only a limited number Cooler Kub 250S's available for UK / EU distribution and with the 250S being eligible for the UK government cycle to work scheme and no more coming until early summer 2025, they won't be here for long.

Check the full Cooler Kub range here.