Micargi Cruisers and Ebikes
We love beach cruisers. Laid back, cool bikes that are a breeze to ride and fun to personalise. That’s why we are thrilled to have a limited stock of Micargi Cruisers arriving late March, just in time for the warm weather!
We’re also excited to ‘our thing’ with them and electrify them! We’re adding 250 and 750 watt Bafang motors and the best in class batteries to get you further, faster.
Check out what’s still available for pre-order:

Micargi Slugo SS - 4 still available, with black, red or green rims.

Micargi Seattle SS - 4 still available, 3 in matt black or gloss black and one in gloss black and chrome.
Choose a standard manual version or cruise off on a cool ebike for just over a grand!

We also have a handful of Micargi Touch single speed beach cruisers at £250 in low crossbar and high crossbar versions. The ultimate zen bicycle.
This is a fun diversion for us, but don’t get too used to it! New Cooler King's are on their way...